Having the proper tools and knowing how to use them are key parts of any project. The university provides a set of tools to fascilitate online learning. Note that this list is not exhaustive, as some instructors may choose to include other resources in their courses.
Computer and Internet Requirements
With so much of our coursework taking place online, you will need to make sure your devices, your Internet connection, and your tech skills are all up to speed. Review the IT Helpdesk’s Computer and Internet Recommendations for details.
Blackboard Learn
No matter if you are taking courses in person or remotely, many classes already have an online component through Blackboard. Instructors can post assignments and supplementary materials, facilitate class discussion, and give tests using the Blackboard application. See the Help for Students links on the Blackboard login screen.
Zoom is the main video communications service that the university uses for online (synchronous) classes. Learn more about it on the Helpdesk’s Zoom page.